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Monday, May 6, 2013

It Finally Feels Like Spring...

Here in New England Spring takes longer to arrive. Recently we had a gorgeous warm day and we decided to go out to a park near our house for a stroll and Yanni took the chance to show her new outfit made by daddy! It is a halter long dress with a full circle skirt and short bodice. The straps are braided and they are knotted behind the neck and on the back of the dress. To compose the look Yanni had a blue had (which was blown into the river as she looked down at the water over a bridge - bye bye hat!!!), a golden bangle and a white leather wrist band and to finish off the look this real cool studded blue sandals. The first thing she said when she put the dress on was: "I am a Cinderela!". Based on that I believe she loved the long blue dress and I hope you guys like it too!

Aqui na Nova Inglaterra a primavera chega bem devagar. Recentemente tivemos um dia lindo e quente o suficiente pra não termos que usar agasalho, então Yanni aproveitou pra usar o vestidinho novo feito pelo papai! O vestido é um frente única longo (comprimento super" trendy" para criança). Pra completar o look adicionamos um chapéus azul pra proteger do sol (o qual acabou caindo no lago ao soprar do vento- bye bye chapéu!!!) pulseira dourada e bracelete de couro, e sandálias com tachinhas. A primeira coisa que Yanni disse ao se vestir foi :"Agora sou uma Cinderela!". Baseado nisso creio q ela amou o vestido, espero q vocês gostem também!

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